

It is not your fault that the company is failing. You recognized that there was a problem and took action. But the problem does not go away. The company is still drifting in the wrong direction–downward. And we have read about the business successes in blogs, books, papers, and general business readings. We have done everything right; We have read about business successes; We have studied the successful business icons of today, and coupled fact that we have followed the learning paths recommended by most business schools. However, we need to learn about business failure. Yes, failure! Studying business failure should be a “best practice” for entrepreneurs and business management. To overcome failure, changing the thought process will achieve success.

Study failure

Once I mentioned at a business forum that I need to study “failure.” The look I received was of shock and puzzlement. Why would you want to master failure and not the successes of entrepreneurs like Steve Jobs? Apparently, they missed the point. Yes, studying the achievements of Steve Jobs is important, but equally significant is to master the failures of startups and mature companies to identify missteps, symptoms, causes, and the reasons organizations came and went. Remember Steve Jobs studied the business failure of Apple’s previous management led by John Sculley upon his return to Apple. One tried not to make the same mistakes twice, past failures. Understanding how to move past corporate failure will breed productivity and success. You risk failure by not learning from failure.

So, let’s explore the concept of learning from business failure to achieve success by pivoting. Accept failure as a means to grow.

Financial failure
Image by Andrew Tan from Pixabay

Define business failure

First, we need to establish what business failure is. Is it a company that goes bankrupt? Or is it when a company does not make a profit for three consecutive years? Maybe, it is when the CEO or management team is fired? I submit that business failure is a function of three elements: time, people, and resources.


Time – we can say that a startup has failed if it does not achieve its milestones within the prescribed time frame. For example, the startup team planned to achieve “x” number of sales in year one but only achieved “y” in that period. Time would be a failure.


People – if the startup team planned to have “x” employees at the end of year one but only has “y” number of employees, this would also be considered a failure. The startup team may not have hired the right people, a human failure with the core competencies required to execute the business model. For example, if the startup is a technology company, it must hire software developers, database administrators, and engineers. These are people with specific skill-sets in high demand and are difficult to find. Further, the team may not have hired enough people to support customer acquisition and growth. The startup may have planned to hire ten salespeople in year one but only hired five. People would be a failure.


Resources – if the startup only raised “x” amount of capital but needed to raise “y” to achieve its business milestones, this would be a fa lure. The startup team may not have raised enough money to support the business model. For example, the startup team did a great job on the technology but ran out of money to help marketing and sales activity ties. The team may have raised $1 million but spent $2 million in year one. Resources would be a failure.

Types of business failure

There are different types of business failures. Here are three (3) primary types:

Financial failure

Financial failure is when the company does not have enough money to sustain itself or pay its debts. The company may also be losing money. Financial failure can happen for several reasons, including poor financial planning, unexpected expenses, or revenue drops. Whatever the cause, financial failure can be devastating for a company. It can lead to layoffs, asset sales, and even bankruptcy. Financial failure can also damage a company’s reputation, making it difficult to attract new customers and investors.

While financial failure is often seen as a death sentence for a company, there are some cases where financial failure can be a blessing in disguise. It can force a company to make much-needed changes to its business model and motivate employees to work harder and be more innovative. With the right attitude and approach, financial failure can become an opportunity for growth.

Operational failure

A company may face operational failure for several reasons. The company may be unable to produce or deliver its product or service or encounter problems with its supply chain. Operational failures can also occur when the company is not able to meet customer demand or when it is not able to implement new technologies. In some cases, operational failures may be due to external factors such as a natural disaster or changes in government regulations. Regardless of the cause, operational failures can have severe consequences for a company, including financial losses and damage to its reputation. As such, companies need to have contingency plans to minimize operational failure risks.

Strategic failure

A company may operationalize successfully but still fail because it is pursuing the wrong market or has the wrong product, which is called strategic failure. The main reason for strategic failure is that the company did not do its homework regarding market research and analysis. Or the company’s strategy was based on flawed assumptions. To avoid strategic failure, companies must do their homework and base their decisions on sound data and analysis. They also must periodically review their strategies to ensure they are still relevant. Operational failures usually can be fixed; strategic failures are much harder to recover from.

financial burden
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Causes of business failure

There are many causes of business fa lure. Here are three (3) primary causes:

Lack of experience

Lack of experience can be a big problem for a company. If the management team doesn’t have the right skills or experience, it can lead to all sorts of issues. The company might not be able to make the right decisions, or it might not be able to execute its plans properly. This can all lead to a decline in the company’s fortunes, and eventually to its fa lure. Lack of experience is, therefore, a severe issue that needs to be addressed.

The best way to do this is to ensure that the management team has the right skills and experience. This can be done by hiring experienced managers or by sending them on training courses. Whichever approach is chosen, the management team must have the right skills and experience if the company is to succeed.

Poor planning

Poor planning can be a real problem for businesses. When a company doesn’t have a good business plan or doesn’t execute its plan well, it can lead to all sorts of problems. Poor planning can result in lost customers, unproductive employees, and missed opportunities. It can also cause financial problems, as businesses may make poor decisions about how to allocate their resources. In short, poor planning can have a significant negative impact on a business. While there is no easy fix for poor planning, it is important for businesses to be aware of the risks associated with it. By taking steps to improve their planning process, businesses can help mitigate the potentially damaging effects of poor planning.

Poor management

Poor management can spell disaster for a company. Poorly managed companies, a human failure, tend to be less profitable, have higher employee turnover, and are more likely to experience legal problems. Poor management also makes it difficult to attract and retain talented employees. Humans fail, and a company with poor management is often characterized by dysfunctional relationships between managers and employees, a lack of transparency, and a lack of clear goals and objectives. In short, poor management can have a devastating impact on a company. If you’re thinking about working for a company, be sure to do your research to make sure the management team is up to the task. Otherwise, you may find yourself in a difficult and frustrating situation.

Warning signs of business failure

There are many warning signs that a company is in trouble. Here are three (3) primary warning signs:

Declining sales

One of the most warning signs of business failure is declining sales. This is when the company’s sales start to decrease over time. There are many reasons why this can happen, such as changes in the market or competition, but it can be a major problem for businesses. If you notice that your company’s sales are declining, it’s important to take action immediately. Otherwise, you may find yourself out of business very quickly. There are several things you can do to try and turn things around, such as reducing costs or increasing marketing ef orts. But if sales continue to decline, it may be time to consider other options, such as selling the business or shutting it down.

High employee turnover

One of the warning signs of business failure is high employee turnover. This is when the company has a lot of employees quitting or being fired. High employee turnover can be caused by many things, such as poor working conditions, low pay, or bad management. When a company has high employee turnover, it can be hard to keep good employees, and it can also be expensive to keep training new employees. High employee turnover can also make it difficult to maintain high-quality stan ards. If you see that a company has high employee turnover, it may be a good idea to avoid doing business with them.

The inability to pay bills

The inability to pay bills is often a warning sign of business failure. When a company has difficulty paying its bills on time, it may be a sign that the company is in financial trouble. The inability to pay bills can also be a sign of poor management. If a company is unable to pay its bills on time, it may be experiencing cash flow problems. The inability to pay bills can also be a sign of poor financial planning.

If a company is unable to pay its bills on time, it may not have enough money to meet its obligations. Inability to pay bills can also be a sign of insolvency. If a company cannot pay its bills on time, it may be unable to pay its debts. Inability to pay bills can also be a warning sign of fraud. If a company cannot pay its bills on time, it may be using accounting gimmicks to hide its actual financial condition.

How to avoid business failure

There are many ways to avoid business fa lure. Here are three (3) primary ways:

Have a good business plan

Having a well-thought-out business plan is essential to avoid business failure. The business plan should be a road map for the business, outlining the company’s goals and how to achieve them. It should also include a marketing plan detailing reaching and retaining customers. Execution is also vital – the business plan should be followed closely and adapted to ensure success. Finally, it’s essential to have realistic expectations – businesses often take longer to get off the ground than expected, and profits may not come as quickly as hoped. The vast majority try to avoid fa lure. By preparing for these challenges, businesses can increase their chances of avoiding failure.

Mapping business plan
Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

Hire experienced management

One of the primary ways to avoid business failure is to hire experienced management. This means the company employs a management team with the right skills and experience. The management team should be able to effectively handle the day-to-day operations of the business, as well as any unforeseen circumstances that may arise. Additionally, the management team should be able to develop and implement strategies that will help the business achieve its goals. By hiring experienced management, businesses can significantly improve their chances of success.

Too much debt

There are many factors that can contribute to business failure, but one of the most important is debt. When a company takes on too much debt, it can quickly become overwhelmed and unable to meet its obligations. This can lead to missed payments, defaults, and ultimately, bankruptcy.

There are a few ways to avoid this fate. First, companies should only borrow what they need and be sure to have a solid plan for repayment. Second, they should try to keep their debt levels manageable by regularly monitoring them and keeping them under control. Finally, companies should always have a contingency plan in place in case something goes wrong and they are unable to meet their debt obligations. By taking these steps, companies can reduce their risk of business failure.

How to recover from business failure

There are many ways to recover from business failure. Here are three (3) primary ways:

Cut costs

Business failures are inevitable. They happen to the best of us. The key is to cut costs and recover from them quickly. Here are some tips for most people on how to cut costs:

  1. Reduce your inventory. This will free up cash that you can use to pay down debt or invest in other areas of your business.
  2. Renegotiate your leases. This can save you thousands of dollars each year.
  3. Cut back on employee expenses. This includes things like salaries, benefits, and training costs.
  4. Reduce your marketing budget. This will save you money in the short term, but it could hurt your brand in the long run.
  5. Cut back on research and development costs. This will save you money in the short term, but it could hurt your business in the long run if you’re not able to innovate and stay ahead of the competition.
  6. Delay or defer payment on debts owed to suppliers and other creditors. This will save you interest payments in the short term, but it could damage your relationships with these businesses in the long run.
  7. Cut back on travel expenses. This will save you money in the short term, but it could limit your ability to meet with potential customers and partners in person

Raise capital

One way to recover from business failure is to raise capital. This is when the company raises money from investors. The money can be used to pay off debts, expand the business, or simply keep the business afloat. Raising capital can be a difficult process, but it can be a crucial step in recovering from fa lure. In some cases, the investor may require a certain amount of control over the company in exchange for their investment. This can be a difficult decision for the business owner, but it may be necessary in order to raise the needed funds. Raising capital can be risky, but it can also be the key to success after failure.

Change strategy

When a company is not doing well, it is important to take a look at the strategy and see if it needs to be changed in order to turn things around. Sometimes, the company might be doing everything right but the market has changed and they need to adjust their strategy. Other times, there might be something that they are doing wrong that needs to be fixed. Regardless, of the reason, if a company wants to recover from business failure, one of the things that they need to do is change its strategy.

This can be a difficult decision to make, but it is often necessary in order to get the company back on track. Sometimes, a change in strategy is all that it takes to turn things around and make a successful business. Other times, it might take more than just a change in strategy, but it is always a good place to start. If a company wants to improve its chances of success, one of the first things that it should do is take a look at its strategy and see if there are any changes that need to be made.

Planning to Recover
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Learning from failure

Don’t fear fa lure. Embra e it. Failure teaches.

Many lessons can be learned from business fa lure. Here are three (3) primary lessons:

Do not give up

It is not uncommon for businesses to fail. In fact, statistics show that most businesses do not make it past the first five years. Failure can be caused by a number of factors, including poor planning, bad management, and economic downturns. Whatever the cause, it is important to remember that failure is not the end. There are many successful companies that have emerged from bankruptcy, and there are several steps that you can take to recover from business failure.

Learn from your mistakes

First, it is important to analyze what went wrong. This will help you to avoid making the same mistakes in the future. Second, you need to develop a plan for how to move forward. This may involve changes to your business model or restructuring your debts. Third, you need to communicate with your stakeholders, including your employees, customers, and suppliers. They will need to know that you are still in business and that you are committed to making things work. Finally, you need persistence. It will take time and hard work to turn things around, but it is possible to recover from business failure.


It is said that persistence is key and this has never been more true than when it comes to business. Every company will face failure at some point – it’s inevitable. What separates successful companies from those flounder are those that know how to pick themselves up and keep going.

Actions steps

You must take steps or pivot when things go wrong. Here are three tips on how your company can recover from failure:

First, taking a step back and assessing what went wrong is important. What led to the fa lure? Once you clearly understand what happened, you can put a plan in place to prevent it from happening again.

Second, communicate with your team. Make sure everyone is on the same page and knows what the plan is for moving forward. It’s also important to be transparent about what happened and why it happened. Honesty will go a long way in building trust with your team.

Finally, don’t be afraid to take risks. Failure is a part of life, but it’s also a part of the business. Failure teaches. If you want your company to succeed, you have to be willing to take risks. Learn from your mistakes and use them as motivation to keep moving forward.

Good organizations take action

Think about it, NASA studied its mistakes to make corrections with the space shuttle pr gram. Pharmaceutical companies and financial services companies reviewed how product design failures take place to make improvements, and hospitals study their service offering to improve the quality of healthcare services. Even if you are an Internet marketing professional preparing for a new product launch, successful companies create value for shareholders, customers, and other constituents by learning from business failure.

Studying failure

Know how the destruction of business value will make you a better entrepreneur, investor, and stakeholder. Failure teaches. Studying the phenomenon of business failure can create value, and a return on investment, by understanding the fundamental causes behind enterprise breakdown. Naturally, in situations where the average person’s decision dictates turning “right,” your knowledge of past mistakes compels you to move to the “left.” Some will criticize this decision. But they do not know that your instinct to rely on past mistakes guides you to a more comforting decision move. Mastering business failure before starting the business strategy process will enable you to avoid common missteps. Just remember, successful people, turn failure to achieve success.

Failure brings opportunity

Business failure does not end in bankruptcy liquidation. In the event a company declines in value and is considered worthless, the enterprise failed from the owner’s perspective. However, the business or the assets of the firm in the hands of others may result in the re-creation of value, jobs, and new business in the eyes of customers, suppliers, and employees.

When discussing business failure, I mean that the company has fallen short of its goals, thus failing to satisfy investors’ expectations. Business failure involves the loss of capital and the inability to make the business successful. The company cannot continue to operate under ownership and management with the fall in revenues and the rise in expenses.


Overall, business failure is a part of the business. However, many lessons can be learned from business failure. The most important lesson is to never give up. If you keep trying, you will eventually succeed. Additionally, it is important to learn from your mistakes and persevere. Business failure can teach you a lot about what it takes to be successful in business. So, don’t be afraid to fail. Embrace it and learn fr m it. Failures teach.

Think about Thomas Edison, Walt Disney, Albert Einstein, and Michael Jordan if you celebrate success. All experienced many defeats. But they had the mindset to learn from failure. Many defeats brought them one step closer, with hard work, to achieve success. Again, the purpose of this blog is to drive home to most people that failure teaches.